Small Bird Diaries – 2nd. Nest, Part 1 (May 30 thru June 16, 2011)

When we left Part 5 on May 25, 2011, our two baby black-chinned hummingbirds had fledged.  Then in the Epilogue, I mentioned that only five days later, a new nest was started on a different porch support just yards from the first one.  It is the same support that we had nests on two other times (2009 and 2010).  Look for a surprise at the end of this blog.

Day 1, May 30.  It was a very busy day all day for the Li’l Mama Hummer.  We had a family cook-out for Memorial Day so she had a lot of people (11) watching her off and on that first day.  Everyone was intrigued.  They were cooperative when I asked them to come in through the garage so as not to disturb her.  They tease me about how I let a hummingbird rule the front porch — you betcha’ I tell them.  Here’s a video of her working that first day.  She was having a bit of difficulty with one piece of material that was anchored to the support with a spider web.

Day 1, May 30, 2011 at 9:23 a.m.

Day 1. May 30, 2011 at 12:51 pm. Rounding things out with her head and neck.

Day 1, May 30, 2011 at 3:54 pm. Wonder where she gets that material??

Days 2 thru 5 (May 31 – June 3):  The Li’l Mama Hummer was very busy all day long until the fourth and fifth days.  On those last two days we would see her now and again working on it, but not nearly as intensely as the first three days. 

Day 2, May 31, 2011 at 7:24 a.m. Working hard on her nest.

Day 2, May 31, 2011 at 7:25 a.m.

Day 2, May 31, 2011 at 7:28 a.m.

Day 3, June 1, 2011 at 7:17 a.m.

Day 6 thru 18 (June 4 thru 16).  After being around very little for two days, on Day 6 (June 4), everything changed.  On that day, she started sitting on the nest including at night.  This told me that she had laid at least one egg.  When I got out my trusty ladder and mirror to peek in on Day 9, I found two eggs.  I was only able to get one photo as I was soon dive bombed by the Li’l Mama.  Around Day 14 or so, the daytime temperatures started being near 100 F and sometimes a bit over.  When it is so hot, we worry about it hurting the eggs or chicks.  The Li’l Mama sits differently on the nest on those hot days.  She sits up higher on the nest and pushes her head and upper body up.  We again saw another hummingbird stop by for a short hovering visit only to be totally ignored by the Mama — kind of rude, huh?  😉 

Day 6, June 4, 2011 at 4:51 pm. After laying the first egg she is now sitting.

Day 9, June 7, 2011 at 10:39 a.m.

Day 8, June 6, 2011 at 5:54 a.m. Almost always on the nest after egg laying.

Day 8, June 6, 2011 at 2:01 p.m. Current nest on left - First nest on right.

Day 12, June 10, 2011 at 7:05 a.m. Nest is lit by the rising sun only a few minutes each day.

Day 18, June 16, 2011. Sits up higher in nest when the daytime temps hit near 100F

As we leave this Part 1 (2nd. Nest) , the Li’l Mama is still sitting on the nest most of the time including all night.  According to my calculations, it shouldn’t be much longer until we have hatchlings.  

And now for the promised Surprise.  Here’s a comparison of the four nests we have had on our porch starting in 2009.

Nest 1 (May 14, 2009)

Nest 2 (June 18, 2010)

Nest 3 (April 19, 2011)

Nest 4 (June 10, 2011)

Notice anything different about Nest 4??  Well, what a surprise that there are only a couple of very thin webs anchoring the current nest.   A different bird?  I personally think so although admittedly it’s only a feeling on my part.  I also had another impression that this is a first time Mama – nothing you could really put your finger on — just a feeling.  Maybe one of our chicks from 2009 or 2010??  Nice thought, but guess we’ll never know for sure…. 



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6 Responses to Small Bird Diaries – 2nd. Nest, Part 1 (May 30 thru June 16, 2011)

  1. Judy says:

    How lucky you are! Can’t wait to see what happens next!!

    • Hi Judy,
      Yes, we feel very lucky to have this bit of nature up so close and personal — not once — not twice — but now four times in three years. I find myself worrying about them and a big relief when they successfully fledge. You may remember that we lost one chick last year although we still don’t know just what happened. Thanks for your comment.

  2. Nancy says:

    Interesting thoughts on the reason this new one looks so different. If this is a different one, perhaps others are noticing the earlier nest and find it a good place to try out. I hope that you have many years of hummers nesting on your front porch!!

  3. Yes, it is interesting, Nancy. No way to know for sure, but something to ponder. That would be great to continue having the hummers nest on the front porch. To think we’ve lived here for 31 years and 2009 was the first time it happened. (We did have one in the back tree in 1988 though.) Maybe it just took a “Trailblazer” to get it started…..

  4. Sandra Broom says:

    What amazing success you have with Hummingbirds nesting at yout house. Have you discussed it with your neighbours and do they nest or even visit their homes?

  5. I heard about a couple nests in trees our neighbors had last year – none this year. I only know of a couple others that have feeders up. We have lived in this house for over 31 years and until 2009, we had had only one other nest which was in a tree in 1988. I remember the year since the nest was so near where they were building our patio roof and I was worried the hammering would scare the Mama off. Everything was fine, though.

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